On November 15, 2022, on behalf of Minister of Education, Wen-Chung Pan, Ambassador Sha-Li Lan of the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, presented a “Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award” to Kenton Chance

2022 GSIA & IAD 聖誕晚會

2023 0310 GSIA/IAD-IMAS Workshop: Taiwan and the Changing World: Before and After Pandemic
On March 10, our GSIA program, in collaboration with National Chengchi University, hosted an academic conference aimed at broadening our students’ perspectives in the field of international affairs.
2023 0310 GSIA/IAD-IMAS Workshop: Taiwan and the Changing World: Before and After Pandemic
為了增進本學程學生視野,增進跨校間的交流,本學程於3月10日 與政大合辦workshop,學生們也透過此方式彼此相互學習與交流,收穫良多。