Graduation Requirements
- For students enrolled from the 2018-19 academic year onwards, before applying for their thesis oral defense, their thesis or a rewritten version of their thesis must be presented at an academic conference held either inside or outside the university or by this institute.
- Students enrolled from the 2018-19 academic year onwards must attend at least five academic activities organized by this institute during their enrollment, and attend at least three academic seminars inside or outside the university before they are eligible to apply for the thesis oral defense. For international students, participation in academic activities is not restricted to those organized or co-hosted by the institute or university, but must include participation in at least five sessions.
- Complete and pass the master's thesis.
Core Competencies
- Understanding of International / Global Governance and Globalization
- Use of Interdisciplinary Knowledge
- Balance of Theory and Practice
- Research Ability
- Analytical Ability
- Appropriate Grasp of Professional Ethics and Responsibility toward Society
Curriculum Framework
2024 GSIA Curriculum
2023 GSIA Curriculum
2022 GSIA Curriculum
2021 GSIA Curriculum
2020 GSIA Curriculum
Learning Map
Learning Map
Focused Course Program of International Leadership
Curriculum Framework
Ming Chuan University International College Enforcement Rules for“Focused Course Program of International Leadership” Revised and passed at the Academic Affairs Committee Meeting in the First semester of 2016 – 2017AY
- Article 1 . In accordance with Ming Chuan University Procedures for Establishing Inter – school and Inter – department Focused Course Programs, the Ming Chuan University International College Enforcement Rules for“Focused Course Program of International Leadership ” (here inafter called this program) is established to help those students in the university who are interested in International Leadership study and cultivate students with professional English skills.
- Art icle 2. The program committee will comprise3 to 5 faculty membersfrom related departments. Committee members will handle program planning affairs and one of them will be chosenas the convener.
- Article 3. Responsible unit for this program is International College.
- Article 4. The course structure of the program should be reviewed and passed at each level of curriculum committee meeting and the Academic Affairs Committee, thenapproved by the president.
- Article 5. Undergraduate students in the university can directly apply to the program throughMCU Student Information System and their application will be accepted after beingapproved by the program committee.
- Article 6. Students who study in this program need to complete at least 21 credits in the program curriculum framework,at least 6 cre dits of which are notfrom their original department, group, degreeprogram, orminor. Students will be issued acertificate of completing Focused Course Program of International Leadershipafter they follow these proceduresto complete 21 credits and record is reviewed by related units and approved by the president.
- Article 7. Students who enroll inthisprogram and meet the requirements for graduation fromtheir original department or degree program,but have not completed the credits required for the Focused Course Program, may not apply for extendingtheir study prior to graduation.
- Article 8. Matters not covered in these procedures will be dealt with in accordance with the General Provisions for Studywhich have been established at this institution, and other relevant regulations.
- Article 9. Upon being passed at the School Affairs Committee Meeting, AcademicAffairs Committee Meeting and approve d by the president, these procedures were implemented. Any revision must follow the same procedure.