
IAD Hosted MOSAIC Taiwan 2024

melody ACTIVITY NEWS, Government Projects

The International Affairs and Diplomacy Program at Ming Chuan University has been entrusted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the fifth consecutive year to organize the “2024 International Youth Elite Leadership Workshop” program. The program successfully concluded on June 17-28. During this period, students from the program engaged in discussions and field visits with 32 youth leaders from the United States and Canada. They participated in thematic lectures and visited various key institutions to deepen their understanding of Taiwan’s political, economic, cultural, and social development, broadening their international perspectives.

The Director of the International Affairs and Diplomacy Program, Liu Kuang-Hua, stated that the entire program was conducted in English. Participating students not only gained solid knowledge in diplomatic affairs and enhanced their English proficiency but also accumulated valuable experience in event planning and teamwork. The course emphasizes an international outlook, with students being selected based on their excellent English skills and academic exchange capabilities. During the program, these selected Ming Chuan students collaborated with the 32 youth leaders from the United States and Canada, participating in thematic lectures and visiting key institutions. This experience not only expanded their international perspectives but also laid a foundation for future international cooperation.

The International Youth Elite Leadership Workshop, which lasted for nearly two weeks, included lectures, conferences, cultural experiences, and visits to innovative industries such as new agriculture and smart machinery. This year marks the fifth consecutive year that Ming Chuan University’s International Affairs and Diplomacy Program has hosted this event.