Welcome the new director of GSIA&IAD, Dr. Nathan K.H. LIU!

In ACTIVITY NEWS by wpmaster

With mixed emotions, we announce the retirement of Professor Dr. Weihwa Chen as the Dean of the International College and full-time GSIA/IAD professor. After many years of dedicated commitment to our university, Professor Chen has decided to retire and pursue a new chapter in his life as an adjunct professor of GSIA/IAD. 

Professor Chen has been an integral part of our department and has significantly contributed to the academic community. We are grateful for the countless hours of mentorship and guidance he has provided to our students, and we will miss his presence in our college.

As we bid farewell to Professor Chen, we also want to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt congratulations to Professor Dr. Nathan Liu, who has been appointed as the new Director of GSIA/IAD. We are thrilled to have his lead our department and bring unique expertise and vision to our department. We know that his bring with his a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to academic excellence. We are confident that our department will continue to thrive under his leadership and push the boundaries of knowledge.